Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Shayambhunath is Nepal of second famous temple there is statute kept god Buddha. This is stationary near Shitapaila. It is different words in famous of world. It was thing before time
When was god Buddha born in Nepal that time for our Nepal of country and foreign of country
Proud full. God Buddha was general person but he have more straggled going India of one place
Sitting remember god and god to given one power which people of all grief have do loss than cause people to respects him. Foreign tourist does come in Nepal looks god Buddha of statute in
Shitapaila  place. They purchases of god Buddha statute brings own country like gift of Nepal.
God Buddha was famous all in country. He have said us our in life and find out peace full.
We can know about god Buddha of story. He was before time a king. He can’t bear with people
Of grief and he gone search how can solve grief and he was success full our aim. That many thing
We can explain about god Buddha.            

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