Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Lha mo nag-mo (Mahakali): Dhakini Kali: this fearful cremation ground is close to Pharping. The practitioner of Severence' (gcod) will certainly find his ambiance here.
To the south-west of the town of Patan, not far from Thankot, there is a terrifying, predatory image of Ma-gcig `dod-khams dbag-mo (Kamalokesvari, the One Mother Queen of the Sensual Realm) called Daksina Kali. [LT]
   Daksin Kali is the 'Southern Kali'. There are four principal Kalis in the Valley according to the classical Hindu lists: Vatsala, Mahakali, Daksin Kali and Guyhakali. Daksin Kali is patroness of the village of Pharping, but the most popular object of blood sacrifice in the entire Valley. The main shrine by the river is forbidden to non-Hindus; on the hillside above it is the site of a dhuni and the temple in which Tibetans pay homage.

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