Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Narayana Sthan: Buranilakanta (The Old Blue-Throat): the supine image of Visnu at the base of Ox-Horn Mountain (Nagarjuna Hill) was made at a later date by the hand of man, while that on the road to Bagdwar is said to be naturally formed. It is the figure of Visnuraj (Khyab-'jug).
   Here is a stone image of Visnu Deva bathing, lying supine in Naga Sesa's bathing pond. [CN]
   Lama bTsan-po's description of the Gausainthan Mahadeva fits the Bura Nilakantha Visnu: Where the stream widens into a pond there is a stone image of a man formed naturally in the rock. It is sky blue in colour and aits face is covered with a saffron shawl. It appears to be sleeping on its back {protected by} the hoods of a nine-headed cobra. [LT]
The Raja (Jaya Pratap Malla, reigned 1641-1684) had a dream in which he was told by Budha Nilakantha that he or any of his descendants or successors who went to visit Nilkantha would die. Hence, from that time, no Raja ever visits Budha Nilakantha. [Wright p. 215]
   Wright's chronicles tell how Siva's throat gained a patch (kantha) of blue (nila): Oh Maharaj, in the Satya Yuga the thirty three crores of gods, devatas, and daityas, churned the ocean, and first of all there came out the Uncharisrava, which Indra took, saying that it was his luck. After the horse came out Lakshmi, whom Vishnu took. Then came out the Kalakuta poison, and began to destroy the world. The thirty-three crores of devatas began to pray to Mahadeva, who alone was able to destroy the power of the poison. Mahadeva, being easily propitiated, appeared, and asked what they wanted from him. They replied that the Kalakuta poison was destroying the world and themselves, and they sought protection, and implored it with joined hands and tears in their eyes. Mahadeva said that he would instantly destroy its powers; and so saying, he put it into his mouth, but instead of swallowing it, he kept it in his throat, which became blue from the effects of the poison, and hence Mahadeva is named Nila Kantha. Feeling now very hot he went close to the snowy range of mountains, but the cold there was not sufficient to cool him. He then struck his trisul into the mountain, from which sprung three streams of water, and lay himself down and let the water fall on his head. There (in the Gosain Kund Lake, north of the Kathmandu Valley) lies Sadasiva, who takes away the sins of man, and exempts him from rebirth. [Wright, p.165]
   It is widely believed that the water of both the Budha (Old Budha in Sanskrit, Bura in Newar) Nilakantha and Bala (Young) Nilakantha (at Balaju) springs originate at Gosainkund. Although contemporary legend has it that King Jaya Pratap Malla had the Balaju image made after his dream, like the larger Budha Nilakantha it may well be 7th c. Licchavi. The Balaju image is composite Visnu/Siva: the standard iconography of Jalasayana Visnu (Submarine Visnu) is modified to put Siva's rosary and water-pot in his two upper hands. We have no legend explaining Visnu's association with the Nilakantha story. The Buddhist Newars worship the image as Nilakantha Lokeswara, and a false etymology makes Budha Nilakantha mean Buddha Nilakantha [P. Pal, Vaisnava Iconology in Nepal, p.17].


Lha mo nag-mo (Mahakali): Dhakini Kali: this fearful cremation ground is close to Pharping. The practitioner of Severence' (gcod) will certainly find his ambiance here.
To the south-west of the town of Patan, not far from Thankot, there is a terrifying, predatory image of Ma-gcig `dod-khams dbag-mo (Kamalokesvari, the One Mother Queen of the Sensual Realm) called Daksina Kali. [LT]
   Daksin Kali is the 'Southern Kali'. There are four principal Kalis in the Valley according to the classical Hindu lists: Vatsala, Mahakali, Daksin Kali and Guyhakali. Daksin Kali is patroness of the village of Pharping, but the most popular object of blood sacrifice in the entire Valley. The main shrine by the river is forbidden to non-Hindus; on the hillside above it is the site of a dhuni and the temple in which Tibetans pay homage.


On the west side of the gorge are several meditation caves. An enclosed overhang forms a kuti where Gorakhnath himself (or one of his lineage) is reputed to have mediated. Rwa Lotsawa is also said to have meditated in one of these caves. Behind the caves is a labyrinth of tunnels that penetrate to an underground lake. There are no images within. One of the tunnels that are now bricked up leads up to the Adinath Temple of Karunamaya/Machhendranath in the Co Bahal of Chobar Village high on the ridge. Ganes dug it after he had been omitted from a meeting of the south end of the gorge, he arrived enraged at the centre of the convocation and demanded an explanation of the slight.
   Rwa Lotsawa rDo-rje grags-pa (Rwa-lo) was one of the luminaries of the phyi-dar, the later spreading of the dharma in Tibet. He came to Nepal to receive initiation from 'Ba'-ro (probably Bharo, an honorific title) who gave him the Vajra Varahi and Vajra Bhairava transmissions. 'Ba'-ro lived in the Nyi-ma stong (Thousand Suns) Vihara in Patan. Rwa-lo defeated the heaviest of 300 Hindu yogins at Swayambhu; and he did puja and meditation at Yanglesho, Jarungkhashor, Godavari, Tsha-ba tsha-shod (Gung-thang), Namo Buddha, Manicura and Swayambhu. This was in the 11th century. [Rwa-lotsawa rnam-thar]

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Nepal is first of one international airport in kathmandu at near Baneswer place. his name is Tribhuwan airport. It is so longer about 5 km miter and expand about 3.5 km and there for safety army. His around lightening full.    It is as like many kind of national airport like Pokhara, bhairahawa, Simara, Jankapur, Dipayal, any more available In Nepal country. We can go from kathmandu Nepal`s airport with national flight like Royal Nepal, Buddha air and any more plane. It is 24 hour openly if we  have to go for foreign country Can find out international flight. It from here all for country  goes more international service available any and every day. If some time flight have lated we can take rest in any hotel and guest house. We can find out taxi from there for go to home little fare pay money like one hundred and one hundred fifty rupees. We can find more comfortable service available there   


Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square 
Hanuman Dhoka Darbar squire holds the palaces of dynasty, Malla & shah, who ruled over the city & after united the great Nepal as well. Around the palace many skyscraper temples scatters. The squire has known as Hanuman Dhoka, name derived from the statue of Hanuman, the monkey devotee of lord Ram, near the entrance gate of place.

The wisdoms of historian used to say the construction of this palace & Temples as early as the lichhavi period in the third century. However, this palace & Temples had used to reconstruction & extensive renovation so became no thing remain from this period at present.  For more information, do not heist to ask with us in the future.

Taleju temple, Krishna temple, Jagannath temple, Stone column, Degutalle Temple, Hanuman Statue, Shiva- Parvati Temple, Big Bell, Kal Bhairab, Maju Dewal, Trilokya mohan Nayayan, Kumari Ghar, Basantapur Durbar, Gaddi Baithak, Kastamandap temple, Ashok Vinayak, Dhaansa etc are the main attraction of Hanuman Dhoka Durbar squire.


Krishna Mandir of Budhanilakantha is one the famous area of pilgrim of Nepal. It lies at the North-East of the capital city, Kathmandu. It is about 9.5km. far from the heart of the capital city. It was surrounded by the green forest at its north , south and east there is a good facility of drinking water, transportation and so on. It has got the attractive location for its game. Near by it a famous river of Nepal , Bishnumati flow through it has got all together roupanies of land of it own .
            There are so many foreigner who stay there being a religion person, pandit. They have made their own rules and regulation during the occasion of KRISHNA JANMASTAMI, the gate of temple is open for all the public. People from various places comes there for worshiping. It is one of the Holy place where everyone can entre for worshiping.
            It has came to know that the temple was established by the help of foreign donation. It has got the eye catching vision due to its attractive craft and suture on its wall. There is a statue of lord Krishana and Radha inside the temple. In front of the gate there is big bell. According to the religious believe, it was said that, who ever ring the bell, he won’t be trouble by any disease . The bell has hang at the very height. It is about 9 feet high.
            People of its surrounding are very curious for the conservation of the temple. At the morning sweepers, sweep the surrounding at 7 am. They start there pray. They sing their  own song during their pry. They play for twice in day, it has got its own vehicle for its facility. It has made its own religious Greeting, HARE KRISHNA is it own greeting.
            People who take care about it are very helpful and kind. Person who were goes there, they will for visiting the temple for me again.  


Shayambhunath is Nepal of second famous temple there is statute kept god Buddha. This is stationary near Shitapaila. It is different words in famous of world. It was thing before time
When was god Buddha born in Nepal that time for our Nepal of country and foreign of country
Proud full. God Buddha was general person but he have more straggled going India of one place
Sitting remember god and god to given one power which people of all grief have do loss than cause people to respects him. Foreign tourist does come in Nepal looks god Buddha of statute in
Shitapaila  place. They purchases of god Buddha statute brings own country like gift of Nepal.
God Buddha was famous all in country. He have said us our in life and find out peace full.
We can know about god Buddha of story. He was before time a king. He can’t bear with people
Of grief and he gone search how can solve grief and he was success full our aim. That many thing
We can explain about god Buddha.